Is it confidential?
All discussions are strictly confidential. Skype calls, meditation and Power Readings are also confidential, although we may need information about you, for example, for billing and contacting you.
Why would I order a Power Reading?
A Power Reading can be a few lines or up to a page long message that suits your life situation. It is meant to provide faith, hope and confidence to the future, and act as a supportive and strenght providing spiritual support in your situation. When ordering a Power Reading, you will need to state your name. If you wish, you can express why you would like to have a reading now, but this is optional. We will send you the billing information via e-mail and we will start preparing the reading once we have received your payment. The Reading will be sent to the e-mail address that you provide us with. Please, do not forget to state whether the Reading should be in English (or Finnish).
How can I pay a Skype call or a Power Reading?
When ordering a Skype call or a Power Reading online, You will receive instructions for the payment via e-mail. When ordering a Skype call, we will agree a time and schedule for the conversations and you will need to pay on a given account in advance. When ordering a Power Reading, we will send you the billing information via e-mail and we will start preparing the reading once we have received your payment.
Data Protection
Protecting your data and respecting your privacy is important for us. The EU Privacy Policy confirms your rights and allows you to control your personal information.
Other registers of our services
(Skype control, personal appointments, Power Readings and other yet unnamed services)
Kuuntelen Sinua Tmi (I Can Hear Your Whisper) Y-2662997-4. You do not have to provide us with your personal information, but if you choose to do so, we may not be able to provide our Skype services, personal meetings or Power Reading services and services that may be added later.
Purpose of Registering Data:
If you order Skype Services, Power Readings and personal meetings, your personal information may be used for the following purposes:
• managing and developing customer relations
• delivery of products and services
• personalization of products and services
• improving user experience and product development
• target marketing and digital advertising if you have given us permission to do so
• opinion and market research on our services
• other similar purposes which are not incompatible with the above
Data content of the register:
For Skype guidance, we have to ask your contact information: your name and your Skype connection.
For Power Readings, we have to ask for your contact information: your name, and email or address, depending on how you wish the Reading to be delivered.
In matters relating to personal meetings, courses, etc., we will ask your contact details: your name and email or address depending on the appointment.
We will update our Privacy Statement as the services offered will grow and develop.
When you pay for your subscription, Kuuntelen Sinua tmi (I Can Hear Your Whisper) will receive the payment on our bank account but we will not maintain or register any of that information. The service provider verifies only that the requested amount has been paid on time.
No information will be disclosed to third parties. Any notes that have been held during Skype or personal services will be deleted when you decide to end with the service.
You can inquire about your customer records at pia (at)